Not always living the high life
It may seem like a dream job but is working on private jets all its cracked up to be? The best things are differing schedules, unusual destinations and working on some beautiful aircraft. The pay is better than commercial cabin crew and we get to eat some amazing VIP catering. But what are the downsides for a flight attendant working on a private jet?
One of the most difficult things about working on a private jet, is that you often work solo in the cabin. You don't have the teamwork and backup that you do as cabin crew on a commercial aircraft. You are responsible for everything in the cabin as regards safety and service. It can also be quite a lonely job as you will only really see your flight crew.
Due to the nature of the job, you are on permanent standby or on call at a moment's notice. VIPs often travel last minute, so you might not even have time to prepare for the flight. It's hard to plan anything in your personal life because you never know when you'll get called. You can be called anytime day or night to work on a flight. Mostly, you do get 12-24 hours notice, but sometimes not!
The hours can be long, as not all private jet operators have flight time limitations (the hours regulators set for cabin crew and flight crew for safe operation). Sometimes VIP passengers are late and whether that's 2 hours or 12 hours, you have to wait for them. On occasion, they have large amounts of luggage to be loaded, which may delay the flight and make it a longer day. Of course, it's not just the flight time that a flight attendant works, there are many duties to do. This includes cleaning and polishing the entire cabin so it's ready to go again. There may be stock to buy for the aircraft or catering orders for the next flight.
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VIPs can be very demanding and they tend to want everything immediately. This can be difficult when you are working alone. It is not unusual to feel drained after a flight, not only because you are on your feet the whole time, but because you're constantly serving food and drinks as well as juggling safety, plating five-star meals, getting coffee for the flight crew and preparing for the next flight. You only stop for take-off and landing. You may also have to deal with children running around onboard or pets and may have to source special items on the ground for your VIP's next flight.
Sometimes people charter private jets as they can fly to destinations some aircraft cannot usually and of course, when it suits them. So, you can find yourself in the middle of the Sahara in the middle of the night, trying to find catering. Or trying to resource champagne and caviar in rural China. In some countries, hotels may be of a lower standard and safety might be a concern, but there is no other option - it is what it is.
In general, there are no airline perks for flight attendants working on private jets. You would not get staff travel or free flights. Sometimes you have to provide your own uniform, shoes and suitcases, which an airline normally supplies. You often have to cover the costs of passports and visas for traveling to certain countries. Training costs are often also covered by the flight attendant.
Working on a private jet is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and allows you to travel to places you'd never otherwise see. It is a very challenging and demanding job but the good tends to outweigh the bad!
Writer - Patricia joins Simple Flying with over 20 years of experience in aviation. She has served as cabin crew on flights from economy-class to private jets. Patricia has a master's level postgraduate diploma in Human Factors in Aviation and has written about aviation since 2010. Based in Dubai