SHERMAN, Texas (KXII) - A new year and a new Billy Bob.
Sherman ISD unveils a new and improved statue of their beloved mascot, Billy Bob Bearcat.
The Assistant Director of the Ex-Students Association Museum, James Perry said, “The bearcat was chosen about 100 years ago as the Sherman High School mascot and has evolved over the years as the legacy of the school system.”
The entrance of Sherman Highschool was packed Monday morning with faculty and alumni recalling the impact Billy Bob has made in the community over the years.
Perry said, “As a graduate from the mid 1970′s, you remember that spirit. You remember the fiberglass bearcat being rolled out on the field the smoke coming out of it mouth, the flashing eyes, the siren, every time a touchdown was made.
The original Bearcat statue was brought to life in 1966 and was cared for by a group of students called the Billy Bob Boys.
Perry explained, “Their responsibility was to get Billy Bob off of the floor, onto the rolling trailer with rubber tires, to roll him out onto the football field.”
Billy Bob’s presence on the football field marked the start of a school tradition that was cherished by future generations.
The new statue was inspired by the original and is a result of years of planning.
Perry explained, “We saw it in the conception of the school, before the construction, that there was probably going to be some form of mascot at some location within the school, so we’re glad to see that that has come to fruition.”
The new Billy Bob statue was donated by CORE construction and was created using a 3D printing system.
Sherman High School also plans to create small 3D print replicas in the future.
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