
2023-01-05 17:16:17 By : Mr. Michael Ma

Lucas: I'm Lucas Dul, and I've been repairing and restoring typewriters for nearly a decade. And I'm going to show you how to restore a 90-year-old Royal typewriter. This particular machine was purchased new in India by a family member of my client. To him, it is a family heirloom. The serial number places it in the second half of 1930. In its current condition, it is not a functioning machine.

The first pieces to come off of the typewriter are the platen knobs as well as the platen, which is going to be replaced. And then I'll remove the body shells. I'll also remove the paper table, the bail roller assembly, the paper tray, and the feed rollers. Usually, carriage disassembly stops there, but on cases of really rough machines, such as this one, the internal type bars and the actuator rods are all removed from the machine and set aside for individual cleaning.

The first step is to pass with an air compressor to dislodge large sections of dirt and debris. Here, I'm using a wire brush attachment on a Dremel to get into hard-to-reach places. After the bulk of the rust is removed, everything gets a pass with mineral spirits with a soft-bristle brush. After the cleaning is finished, all of the bare metal surfaces get wiped with a rag to remove any residue.

The keyboard on this machine was also intensely discolored. Each key ring is carefully removed from the key top. I'm using a special key-ring-remover plyer from the early 1900s. Anytime that you're working with a glass keyboard, you run the risk of breaking keys. Due to the age of the tool and the hardened rubber, about half of these glass circles in the keyboard ended up shattering. Once all of the keys are disassembled, the paper legends are removed. The individual glass circles also get cleaned. Here I'm using a razor blade to scrape off all of the accumulated corrosion that is stuck to the surface of the glass. Then they're each individually hand-polished with a fine-grade polishing compound. If new glass rings need to be fabricated, they're cut by hand from around a 16th-inch-thick piece of glass. This is a common glass standard thickness for picture frames.

At this point, any springs that are missing on the typewriter get replaced. Over time, they can sometimes stretch or can become damaged if a machine falls. Missing or damaged pieces are also replaced. I also create new feed rollers using old rubber hosing or sometimes layers of heat shrink.

Now I install the paper table. This is the piece of metal that holds both the feed rollers in place and guides the paper around the platen. The most difficult part about assembling Royal typewriters are the ball bearings. Here I'm using a drinking straw to insert them into the proper placement along the carriage rail. Another tricky part is the ribbon vibrator or the ribbon lifting fork. Here you can see me attaching it with a small cotter pin.

The key legends also need to be carefully placed so that they're aligned vertically. Each key ring needs to be seated properly with the key-ring-installation tool, and then once each key top on the machine is completely set, the bottom plate of the key-ring-installation tool gets rotated to a flat portion of the plate, which is used to seat down all of the tabs on the bottom of the key ring firmly against the bottom of the key cup.

The second-to-last step is to reassemble everything completely. All typewriters are individually adjusted so that the parts work well together. So when you take certain parts from one machine to fill into another machine that is missing those parts, you will need to adjust those parts to work with each other. Once everything is carefully together, I install the brand-new rubber and the feet as well as a new ribbon.

Once the ribbon is in the machine, the type testing begins. The primary things that I'm looking for are evenness of the letters, alignment between the capital and lowercase, margin consistency, and line scale height. The escapement must also be adjusted so that it is moving the proper distance both up and down to prevent skipping or missed spaces. Then I move on to adjusting the height of the ribbon to ensure that the entire letter is being printed.

The case is usually a secondary thing to the typewriter that I generally don't spend a lot of time with, but this particular one needed a little bit of care. Unfortunately, the base of the case, where it mounts to the machine, had two strips of wood in place of the four feet that are supposed to be there and no way to actually mount the machine to it. So here I'm removing these word rails and then drilling and counter-sinking holes for the screws and the feet that will mount the machine to the base. The final step is to cut a strip of leather and to punch holes to stitch a new handle onto the case.

This is probably one of the worst Royals that I have seen, cosmetically. That being said, theoretically, there is no amount of damage that is physically irreparable. However, there does come a point where the cost of repair far exceeds the value of the machine, both monetarily and sentimentally. And in essence, that is how I restore antique typewriters. Any machine from the mid-1800s to as late as 2020 follows pretty much the same exact procedures.